Nationwide Coverage
Hazardous & Non-Hazardous Experts
Quick Turnaround & Emergency 24/7
Compliance & Environmental Solution Leaders
Kleenwaste offers tailored services to your industry and business.
No matter what industry you’re operating in, we have decades of experience and knowledge covering over 450 industries, including retail, IT and Technology, Healthcare, Engineering and Bio Technology.
our services
We deliver thinners and collect waste streams. We collect cutting oils, rags, oils waste, glues, adhesives and other items. We also provide spill kits and clean up services as well as surface cleaning machines.
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Provide all aspects of one-stop waste management from supplying cleaning equipment to collecting all garage drummed & bulk liquid wastes as well as interceptor maintenance.
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Kleenwaste supply a range of absorbent materials for the use in factory/engineering industries. We then collect and provide disposal routes for any spent materials which are produced.
See what Kleenwaste can do for your business
We have a big UK customer base encompassing many different businesses. Collecting oil filters, rags, cutting oils, mastics, aerosols, absorbents and paint-related materials. We supply spill decks and spill response.
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Food Production
iFood Production
We collect various items anything from rags and oil from the maintenance shop to corrosive cleaners to sterilize equipment food flavourings and lab waste from tests.
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Water treatment
iWater treatment
We serve many water treatment plants across the UK by collecting corrosive water treatment chemicals & products, WEEE, spill bunds /absorbents and provide spill training.
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We offer site surveys when project start, remove redundant building chemicals, materials and most other hazardous wastes from builds.
See what Kleenwaste can do for your business
Our most common services include site surveys and reviews, removal of oils and most generic engineering and production waste, tank cleans and bulk liquid removals.
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Oil & drilling
iOil & drilling
We service this industry throughout the UK in refurbishment & maintenance of its equipment. Safetykleen also supplies Cellulose Thinners to repaint and collect the waste produced.
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We collect most general maintenance waste which are considered hazardous, including WEEE waste management, waste oils and fuels and water pump out.
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Local government
iLocal government
Kleenwaste collects most hazardous wastes, including all lead-acid & Lithium batteries, takes care of maintenance and servicing of interceptors. In addition, we supply and service oil and fuel tanks.
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Automotive repair
iAutomotive repair
Kleenwaste collects most hazardous wastes, including all lead-acid & Lithium batteries, takes care of maintenance and servicing of interceptors. In addition, we supply and service oil and fuel tanks.